...第一章 族长时期(The Patriarchal Period) 第一节 希伯来民族的起源 大约在公元前三千年的年代里,在西亚美索不达美亚(两河流域)的南部,即今日伊拉克地区,有一个属于闪...
So Sarna and other scholars hold that the patriarchal traditions are not entirely fabricated retrojections from a later period.
Also, he notes that the representation of inter-ethnic relationships in the patriarchal stories does not accord with the reality of a later period.
Weijin and Northern and Southern Dynasties is the prosperous period of the patriarchal clan in the Chinese history.
But in all likelihood Hebrews of an older time, the patriarchal period, the second millennium BCE--they probably weren't markedly different from many of their polytheistic neighbors. Archaeology would suggest that.
So Sarna and other scholars hold that the patriarchal traditions are not entirely fabricated retrojections from a later period.
Wouldn't a later writer have cleaned up this ancestral record if this were in fact something composed at a later period? Also, he notes that the representation of inter-ethnic relationships in the patriarchal stories does not accord with the reality of a later period.