” 2011年10月19日,总部位于美国的环保组织—皮尤环境组织(The Pew Environment Group)公布了一组台湾渔民卸载和加工鱼翅的照片,引起了环保人士对人类大肆捕杀鲨鱼可能导致该物种灭绝的担忧。
"It points to the whole broken system," notes Robert Martin of the Pew Environment Group.
“I think the Japanese are against any further inclusions of marine species into CITES, ” observed Sue Lieberman of the Pew Environment Group.
“我认为日本抵制任何在CITES中包含更多海洋物种的努力。” 皮尤环境团体的Sue Liebeman观察说。
Matt Rand, director of Global Shark Conservation at the Pew Environment Group, says that more than 30% of shark species are at risk of extinction.