The Pilgrimage to the West 西游记
The Pilgrimage Village 朝圣乡村酒店
True Exposition of the Pilgrimage 西游真诠
Pilgrimage to the West 西游记 ; 西纪行 ; 西游记续集 ; 猪·
The Pilgrimage of the Rose 玫瑰的香客
the pilgrimage of Xuan Zang 玄奘取经
New Pilgrimage to the west 一个人的远行 ; 一小我的远行 ; 一私人的远行
以上来源于: WordNet
The devotee is celebrating the pilgrimage holiday of Sukkot with a visit to Mount Gerizim, sacred to Samaritans.
这位信徒是在庆祝住棚节的朝圣之旅,并前往撒玛利亚人的圣地基利心山(Mount Gerizim)。
Many of the worshipers said they will continue with the pilgrimage despite the bloody attack that killed many women and children.
For decades, surfers have made the pilgrimage to Hawaii, paying homage to its golden beaches and bowing before its world-class waves.
Saudi health officials, working with international health agencies kept close tabs on the more than two million Muslims who made the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.
VOA: standard.2009.11.29
Sacrifice was offered only on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which meant that slaughter of animals for meat in the countryside no longer has a sacral component to it. It's just ordinary, common, profane slaughter.
You shall not mention any other gods. It tells you how to observe the three pilgrimage festivals and rules of ritual offering and then there are also civil laws. Same thing in Leviticus: 18 through 20. We have incest laws, we have ritual laws, we have civil laws and we have moral laws all together.