... 垃圾 waste; rubbish; litter 塑料包装袋 the plastic package 旅程之“余” the “remains” of the journey ...
Fido gets a plate for his doggie stew, but Phyllis eats straight out of the plastic package or bag.
It is a crucial step for destructive physical analysis (DPA) and failure analysis (fa) to remove the plastic package for the die exposing.
And at a time when hobbyist computers were boxy wooden affairs with metal chassis, he designed the Apple II as a sleek, low-slung plastic package intended for the den or the kitchen.
在那个时代,业余爱好者的计算机就是四四方方的木头盒子加上一个金属底架,而他设计的Apple II,是圆滑矮小的塑料包,可以放在书房或者厨房。