Re-enter the pre-treatment process 重新进入前处理工序
Pre-view the manufacture process 前视图的制造过程 ; 会前查看的制造过程
The pre-process logic includes the message security, followed by formatting the input based on protocol and performing the task.
This article also has implemented some of investigation, the pre-process before data mining and outcome assessment after data mining.
Cooperate with project buyers and categories buyers on vendor selection, evaluation and management issues, and make the pre-process audit and process audit on potential suppliers.
When an action potential comes down this pre-synaptic axon, when it reaches this point here, it sets off the process of these vesicles dumping their content into the synaptic cleft.
当动作电位到达轴突的突触前膜时,当到达这一点时 小泡就将其内含物,排放到突触间隙中去