本文将通过认知语言学的典型范畴理论(the prototypical category theory),隐喻和转喻为基础,来分析语言上的一词多义现象。 2 范畴化和原型理论 人们把世界上相同的或相识的事物从认知上归纳在一起...
This paper tries to study the cognitive reason of the vagueness of the human language in terms of the prototypical category theory in cognitive linguistics.
This paper is a brief discussion on the phenomenon of semantic fuzziness in terms of the fuzzy set and the prototypical category theory in cognitive linguistics.
The discussion discloses that explanation of transitivity based on the prototypical category theory is inadequate, as it is short of the kind of rigidity required by scientific research.
以原型范畴界定动词属性不能满足科学所要求的充分解释力, 也不具有刚性特征。