...arina Fritsch)的“Group of Figures”在内的雕塑,其它不能被迁走的也被包裹和保护了起来;公共艺术基金会(The Public Art Fund)关闭了西野达(Tatzu Nishi)在哥伦布圆环的雕塑周围搭起的手脚架装置;大都会艺术博物馆对它的屋顶雕塑“Could City”也采取了特别...
Theyhavehelped fundorstarta seriesofinitiativestoaddressthewarning signsandtreatment of depression, as well asartscholarships and publiceducationalsymposiums.
Dedicated to offering thepublic "powerful experiences with art and the urban environment, " the fund's other projects have included bringing Jeff Koons's topiary-puppy sculpture to Rockefeller Center and Rob Pruitt's statue of Andy Warhol to Union Square.