... and the molecular structure of gene) 基因的功能(The function of gene) 基因表达的调控(The regulation of gene expression) 第五节:基因表达调控 4 教学要求: 了解:遗传的物质基础研究的历史及其借鉴意义。 理解:基因的分子结构与功能调节。
The mechanism of butyric acid is multifaceted and its involvement in the regulation of gene expression.
Here's a video that animates the acetylation of histone proteins in the regulation of gene expression in cancer cells.
下面的视频是关于在癌症细胞里的常规基因表达是如何进行组蛋白乙酰化作用(acetylation of histone)的。
HDAC activity plays a key role in the regulation of gene expression, and HDAC is a clinically validated cancer target.