the republic of the sudan
...餐丰富,但习惯上另付5%、铜,空心树就成了一个理想的水缸,设法储存用水,出访前应查清楚苏丹共和国(the republic of the sudan),简称苏丹,如鳝鱼 回复: 安全苏丹南部各政党领导人2011年2月16日一致同意,把即将在苏丹南部地区创建的国家命名为“南苏丹共和国...
the republic of the sudan
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
On or about January 9th, the people of southern Sudan should have an opportunity to vote in a referendum on whether to break away from the Republic of Sudan and create their own country.
Violence and displacements of people were especially bad in Sudan,Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.
VOA: special.2010.02.15
Somalia,which has been plagued by civil war for nearly two decades, has Africa's third largest IDP population after Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
VOA: standard.2009.10.23
UNICEF's three biggest operations are in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and Ethiopia.
VOA: standard.2010.02.04
Pursuant to section 104 of the AGOA and section 506A(a)(1) of the 1974 Act, I have determined that the Republic of South Sudan meets the eligibility requirements set forth or referenced therein, and I have decided to designate the Republic of South Sudan an eligible sub-Saharan African country and as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
"The Republic of South Sudan calls on Sudan to immediately desist from air bombardments and ground incursions into the territory of the Republic of South Sudan, " he told reporters in Juba, the South Sudan capital.
CNN: South Sudan says it is withdrawing from disputed oil region
Mr Kiir said his visit came "at a very critical moment for the Republic of South Sudan because our neighbour in Khartoum has declared war on the Republic of South Sudan".
BBC: South Sudan's Salva Kiir says Sudan has declared war