At that point, the "HolyRoman" emperor, Henryiv, gives ground in a bitterpowerstrugglewiththe papacy, begsthe Pope'sforgivenessand is readmitted to the good graces ofthe church.
The job description for Benedict's successor, whoever he may be, must reflect this sea-change in the requirements for the leadership of theRoman Catholic Church which has occurred during this first full papacy of the 21st Century.
And at the end of a fine Sunday in Vatican City, theRoman Catholic church had its latest new saint, the 468th of John Paul II's papacy: Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, dead only in 1975 but founder some 70-plus years ago of Opus Dei, an order that has attracted more suspicion not only from anti-clericals than any but the Jesuits.