... 被统治阶级 ruled class 统治阶级 among the ruling; governing class; the ruling class 阶层 (social) stratum; rank; section 各阶级各阶层的人 people of all ranks and classes; 社会阶层 social stratum; 特权阶层 the privileged stratum; 中间阶层 intermediate stratum ...
以上来源于: WordNet
The ruling class, most from three generations ago, are bewildered.
The second part is mainly discusses the worship of Buddhism of the ruling class in and after Qin Dynasty.
The ruling class occupies the position in the mainstream of culture, and owns the selection right of curriculum culture.
Justice consists of the rules, that is to say, that are made by and for the benefits of the ruling class.
It didn't take Karl Marx to invent, or to discover that insight, that the rules of justice are simply the rules of the ruling class.
In every regime one of these groups he says will be the dominant class will be the dominant body the ruling body as he says in that definition and that ruling body will in turn he says define the nature of the regime.