...calci- trant)、假日经济(Doliday economy)、便当 (Bentou)、做秀(to show)、大排挡(Eater- ies)、夹心阶层(the sandwich class)等等; 北京方言"发小"(Friend since childhood)指 自小玩到大的好朋友;广东的"搞手族" (Online organizer clan)指那些专门在网上...
Methods Sandwich-course was tried out in a class of medical imaging specialty. Class teaching and clinical practice were carried out by turns at the same time.
When a guest travels all evening to get to the hotel and then can't get a quick 1st class sandwich or a couple of eggs (HOT AND FRESH).
When Keesha discovers mold on her sandwich, the class takes off on a tour of the mini microbe world, and they learn first hand that these little creatures can have HUGE effects.