你能带我去图书馆吗 » Could you please take me to the library 淡了散了 » The scattered light 当他去银座购物的时候他买了许多钢笔 » When he went to Ginza shopping for the time he bought many pen ..
There was no moon, and the stars were high and faint, but the rails shone clear and far, as if they were gathering, out of the poverty of darkness, thelight that had been scattered in the gloom.
At sunset, the sun appears red (the blue light has been scattered out of that image, too), so the cells of the eye that detect red are overloaded and incapable of registering weaker red signals.
Because the astronomers were looking at the asteroid low in the sky, they were viewing it through a lot of atmosphere, which scattered some of thelight and made the object fainter, he said.