Perhaps they were pushed out by the invading sea peoples.
You will find these peoples located on the east and south of the Dead Sea.
It is otherwise with the many peoples of the world who must deal more directly with the land or the sea.
Perhaps they were pushed out by the invading sea peoples.
And so a group if these sea peoples comes in and occupies this area They will be the Philistines, the area that is now the Gaza Strip And they found the five Philistine cities that you will hear about increasingly in the book of Judges: Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, Ashdod and Ekron.
Well, the way we can reason things out from the evidence we have suggests that Greek-speaking peoples came down into the area around the Aegean Sea, perhaps around 2000 B.C., about a thousand years later than the emergence of the Minoan civilization at Crete.