...中文名:李连杰 外文名:Jet Li 国籍:新加坡 代表作品:《少林寺》、《黄飞鸿》系列、《霍元甲》 (The Shaolin Temple series,Huang Feihong series,Huo Yuanjia)所学格斗:国标武术、自由搏击、泰拳等 中文名:李小龙 外文名:Bruce Lee 国籍:美国 代表作...
Here, the popular myth holds, is where a fifth-century Indian mystic taught a series of exercises, or forms, that mimicked animal movements to the monks at the newly established Shaolin Temple.
The winner of the competition will be given the opportunity to play television roles in a series about Shaolin Temple and there's also the possibility of a Hollywood movie on the same theme.