... 唱片名: The Shroud Of 表演者: Minimal Man 版本特性: Import, Original recording remastered, Extra tracks ...
the shroud of Saint Servatius 圣瑟法斯的圣骸布
The Shroud Of Christ 基督的裹尸布
The Shroud Of Chris 基督的裹尸布
With the shroud of mist 随着薄雾笼罩
Mystery of The Shroud 杜林殓布之秘
Dark Shroud of the Scourge 天谴黑暗裹尸布
Shroud of the Night 黑夜面罩
The prisoners escaped out of the jail under the shroud of night.
Some have suggested a connection between the Shroud of Turin and the Image of Edessa.
Consider, for instance, a blurry little black-and-white photograph of a smiley-face icon, so fuzzy and ill-defined it looks like a parody of the Shroud of Turin.
He saw the sad nightingales nodding on the branches and they reminded him of his mother. A gray shroud fell over the city.