混世魔王程咬金(DEVIL INCARNATE CHANG YAOJIN) 假女真情 ( False But True ) 江湖奇兵(THE SNIPPING) ..
Select to snip using the View Intersection and make sure that "Keep Inner" is checked. This will delete the pieces beyond the snipping curves.
选择使用交叉点方式进行修剪,并确认保留内部(“Keep Inner”)复选框被选中,这样就可以删除掉修剪线之外的曲线段。
For example, if you send me an invitation to speak at a conference and I ask what the topic is, you might reply with just the topic, snipping out all the details of the conference.
The genetic equivalent of a tailor who USES molecular "fingers" to grab onto DNA, before snipping it apart and stitching in a new sequence could lead to safer gene therapies.