...丧失了讨論 新兴议题的契机,諸如公民社会的概 念、社会资本的累积、以及欧洲近來 关于社会企业与社会经济(the social economy)的讨論,则是二版未能及时 纳入讨論的缺憾,此点殊为可惜 3 。 3 所谓欧洲式的社会经济体系,在此略作說明 之。
培育城市精神夯实精神文明创建基础_建筑理论论文 关键词:城市精神,经济社会,内蕴,城市公德 [gap=218]Keywords: city spirit, the social economy, embodiment, urban social morality
the social economy benefit 社会经济效益
influence to the social economy 对社会经济的影响
the marine social economy 海洋社会经济
the economy and social base 经济与社会基础
economy and the social 经济与社会
Could they join in the study and analysis of the social economy?
The traffic foundation plays an important role in the social economy.
Wechat business essence is a kind of based on the trust of the social economy.
He says the global economy must change to a sustainable system now before social issues and ecological degradation become overwhelming.
VOA: standard.2010.01.23
What worries you about America today, terrorism, wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, economy, the deficit, medicare, social security or America's place in the world, which many say sliping or begining to slip?
Fujii blames the "export whatever you want economy" for the country's current social disparity.
VOA: standard.2009.10.27