... 部分房子被彻底毁坏了 » Some houses were completely destroyed 光明之源 » The source of light 你好 路过看你 » Hello passing by to see you ...
Towards the source of light 于是更多的黑暗也被照亮了
improving the source of light 改进光源
The power of light source 光源功率
the color of light source 光源的色彩
the weakness of light source 光源的衰减
the projection of light source 光源的投影
In both cases, the source of light is the same: the Sun.
Love is the source of knowledge as fire is the source of light.
But during an eclipse, the source of light is blocked and the moon's disk goes unusually dark.
Intensity, if we increase the intensity, we're not increasing the energy in each photon, we're just increasing the number of photons that we're shooting out of our laser, whatever our light source is.