"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction. "The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.
"The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction."The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.
Hook 1: the resources folder of the Web application contains Spring configurations for this purpose.
Hook 1: Web应用程序的参考资源文件夹出于这个目的考虑包含了Spring配置。
You hook one end of the spring to a wall and you pull it from rest by some amount and you attach the one kilogram mass to it.
你把弹簧的一端固定在墙上,然后拉伸一段距离,接着你把 1 千克物体固定在上面