...个地方开始旅行甚至是可能的邂逅与同样迷失的某个陌生人可能的凝固瞬间静静的不回头 -------同是陌生人(The Stranger in Us )MSN空间完美搬家到新浪博客!
THE first scene of "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger", Woody Allen's newest film, brings us Helena (Gemma Jones), a frumpy woman in a London taxi cab en route to visit a psychic.
Obama's election is a staggering historic moment in which America, a majority immigrant people, have claimed the other as our own, thereby admitting that the stranger is, in fact, us.
事实上,这也是每个人要面对的。 奥巴马的当选是一个惊人的历史性时刻,美国,一个主要由移民组成的国家,就此承认外来人是我们的一部分,承认我们也曾经彼此陌生。
A stranger passes by us in the street with all the marks of the deepest affliction; and we are immediately told that he has just received the news of the death of his father.