戴蒙最有名的就是他饰演多种类的角色,包括《天才雷普利》(The Talented Mr年度 影血型减肥法是由彼得·德戴蒙提出的减肥法。彼得·德戴蒙(Peter D'adao)是康涅狄格州戴蒙医师说。
The Talented Mr Ripley 天才瑞普利
2: the Talented Mr. Kipling: Jessie tries to keep the familys pet lizard from being banned from the building.
To be certain that Rollie was talented, Mr. Ross ran a bright chimp through the same process and compared the results.
Mr Koogle was comparable to Eric Schmidt's appointment as [gm99nd] chief executive - he was an engineer, there to supervise two talented founders and provide the business smarts.
库戈堪比出任[gm 66nd] ([gm 99nd])首席执行官的埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmid)——他是一位工程师,来到雅虎指导两位天才创始人,并提供商业智慧。