But the mercenaries he employs may think differently: they are paid to fight, but not to the death.
This attack could not be justified.But the report also notes an influx of volunteers and mercenaries from Russia to South Ossetia before the conflict.
At the Aruba School, contained in a series of cold, thinly insulated classrooms, roughly 200 suspected mercenaries huddle beneath blankets on mattresses on the floor.
and the Afghan government would reach out to. Vice President Biden says nearly three-quarters of the insurgents are mercenaries,not ideologues.
VOA: standard.2009.03.11
It didn't matter, because the Protestant armies had Catholic mercenaries and the Catholic armies had Protestant mercenaries.
Quirantes cites allegations that Venezuela and other leftist leaders have sent mercenaries to Honduras to undermine the de facto government of President Roberto Micheletti.
VOA: standard.2009.10.23