...并非主题公园,遗产中心,也不是迪斯尼乐园⋯⋯我们提供的远非娱乐或高级休闲所能涵盖,我们提供的正是事物本身( the thing itself) ⋯⋯”(Barnes 61)在他看来该主题公园呈现的正是真实事物而非复制物,因为“要接近事物本身,只能通过摹本⋯⋯”(Barnes 62) 这些...
Photographer's Eye)一文中提到摄影的艺术特质和审美基础包括五个方面:事件自身(The thing itself )、细节(The detail,物质细节)、框取(The frame,取景)、趣味中心(Vantage point,视角) 和时间(Time,对时间流的截取)。
Item recommendation - recommend things based on the thing itself.
物品推荐(item recommendation)——根据物品本身推荐。
Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
The word refers not to the fragility or loss of the thing itself, but to the human feelings evoked by its passing.
It was the answer we had trouble with." (LAUGHTER) Jack Benny said "The show itself is the important thing.
VOA: special.2009.10.11
The first thing we need to do is write the electron configuration for the atom itself, and then we need to take an electron away.
What's really prior is the car itself and talking about car stages is a certain convenience a kind of way of chopping up the fundamental thing of the car.