他还提醒说:"新的救助计划还需要修改马斯特里赫特条约(The Treaty of Maastricht)及里斯本条约(The Treaty of Lisbon)。条约的改变需得到欧元区全部成员国一致的投票通过。
Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities.
Piet Dankert, then Europe minister, drafted a version of the Maastricht treaty that was too federalist even for Luxembourg (it was rejected).
当时负责欧洲事务的部长Piet Dankert起草了一份马斯特里赫特条约,就连卢森堡人都觉得过于联邦主义了(这一版本最终被拒绝了)。
Mr Musca cut his teeth at the French Treasury, working for Mr Trichet during the talks that led to the 1992 Maastricht treaty, the foundation of the euro.