... The Little Old Engine 小个子老火车 The Twin Engines 双胞胎小火车 Branch Line Engines 支线小火车 ...
For example: Propelled by the twin engines — the new growth drivers and upgraded traditional ones, China's economy will be able to get beyond difficulties and rise to a more promising level.
The Air Force wants modern UCAVs with twin engines, low infrared signature, stealth features, electronic countermeasures and the ability to link with satellites.
There are 190 C17As in service; the aircraft is propelled by four turbofan engines (of the same type used on the twin-engine Boeing 757) and can drop 102 paratroopers at once.
现在有190架c 17 A在服役。它由四个涡轮发动机驱动,和波音757所用发动机型号相同,一次能够运送102人。