10年前,我写了一本名为《卧底经济学家》(The Undercover Economist)的书。除了讨论许多其他事情,我在书中乐观地断言,随着中国变得越来越富裕,中国城市空气的颗粒物污染水平正在大幅降低。
... The Brothers Karamazov 卡拉马佐夫兄弟 英文版 The Undercover Economist 秘密经济学家 英文版 The Secret Life of Bees 蜜蜂罐上的圣玛利 英文版 ...
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back 卧底经济学家反击战
以上来源于: WordNet
Tim Harford's book "The Undercover Economist" (Little, Brown) is out now in paperback.
蒂姆·哈福德的著作《卧底经济学家》(The Undercover Economist)(小布郎出版社(Little, Brown))目前已经出版平装本。
Tim Harford's 2005 bestseller, "the Undercover Economist", was a book that has helped shift that perception by bringing the not-so-dismal science to a wider audience.
2005年,在畅销书籍《秘密经济学家》中,作者蒂姆·哈福德(Tim Harford)描述的不甚枯燥乏味的科学知识已开始在转变广大读者的此类看法。
Tim Harford, the author of Dear Undercover Economist, said that taking an increased number of trips would only increase the stress associated with travelling to and from a holiday destination.