美国军事学院 ( The United States Military Academy ),又称 西点军校 ( West Point )是 美国陆军的一个军事学院,曾经也是陆军的军事堡垒。
...牌--金体特训营系列的背景是来自美国西点军校,西点军校的全称是“联邦西点陆军军官学校”(The United States Military Academy),就会不能把团队带进自己设置的氛围和环境之中,提高你的心商。
...西点军校(The United States Military Academy)是美国一所高度精英化的军事学校,位于纽约州西点。该校以“责任、荣誉、国家”作为校训,可谓是美国历史最悠久的军事学院之一。
和22条规 的正式名称事学院(The United States Military Academy),又称(West Point),是陆的一个事学院,曾经也是陆的..
The United States Military Academy at West Point, NewYork, has always had excellent football players, too.
Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point.
This week in our series for students who want to study in the United States, we tell about the United States military academy at west point.
Poe served in the Army for two years, before entering the United States Military Academy at West Point to become an officer.
VOA: special.2009.02.02
He would join the army. He wanted to enter the United States Military Academy at West Point,New York.
VOA: special.2009.05.24
He would join the army. He graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York as the best student in his class.
VOA: special.2010.07.02