年仅 23 岁的 Kik 创始人 Ted Livingston 于 2005——2009 年就读于滑铁卢大学(The University of Waterloo),棉花宝宝,并在 2009 年冬季在其居住的 VeloCity 公寓创立了 Kik 这个应用。这个位于滑铁.
"The proposed mechanism is compelling," says John Thompson, a molecular biologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada.
“建议的机制有的强迫性,”约翰·汤姆斯john . Thompson是加拿大滑铁卢大学的分子生物学家。
The School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo is accredited for both its undergraduate program and its professional graduate program.
The University of Waterloo researchers also provide support that parenthood isn't as dreamy as most make it out to be, citing a lower "emotional well-being" from other research.