Matt MacLaurin's Kodu is a visual programming language that was originally developed for the Xbox as part of a children's game.
Matt MacLaurin的Kodu是一个可视化编程语言。 它最初是为了在Xbox上开发部分儿童游戏而设计的。
Because users of WebSphere Integration Developer are not required to have detailed knowledge of any programming language, the visual snippet editor plays an important role in this situation.
因为不要求WebSphere Integration Developer的用户具有关于任何编程语言的详尽知识,所以可视代码片段编辑器在这一情况下扮演着重要角色。
The sample ODBC program must be compiled by an appropriate C programming language compiler, such as Visual C++.
示例 ODBC 程序必须用一个适当的 C 语言编译器编译,例如 Visual C++。