...风语世界(The Whispered World)是一款休闲类手游,这款游戏内置了十分丰富的场景,而开发商的手绘功底也让人过目难忘,游戏中包含了解谜要素,通过在不同的场景...
面: 中文名称: 风语全球 英文名称: The Whispered World 游戏类型: 第三人称卡通 发行工夫: 2009年 开发厂商: Daedalic Entertainment 发行厂商... 语言界面:简体中文 授权方式: 运
[详细] 细语世界 冒险 | 平面 5.0 立即下载 手绘冒险游戏《细语世界》(The Whispered World),是一款美丽的手绘冒险游戏,有美丽的乡下朴实..
There is nothing in the world the matter, 'I whispered.
Figures of twos or threes whispered and laughed softly around me, but the lake was quiet and the world was calm.
我就一直的凉到了脚后跟儿。 周围有两三个人在窃窃私语,大声的说笑,但是湖面很安静,世界一片沉寂。
There is nothing in the world the matter, 'I whispered. I did not want him to yield, though I could not help being afraid in my heart.