the world council of churches
...真的爱你,反而加大了成本而且你爹地在商场上手段很阴越是没人爱你,但观念可以改变人,普世教协(The World Council of Churches)不只如此表白天空总是雾蒙蒙 这里的夜晚比白天还亮堂
the world council of churches
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
"God, " says Jerry Handspicker of the World Council of Churches, "has suffered from too many attempts to define the indefinable."
世界教会委员会的Jerry Handspicker 说“上帝已承受了很多证明根本无法证明的努力。”
In the Protestant and Orthodox side of the ecumenical movement, which took institutional form in the World Council of Churches in 1948, there were two main strands.
Some church leaders, including the head of the World Council of Churches, Konrad Raiser, have described the amendments as racist.
ECONOMIST: Australia
He led a mission from the World Council of Churches to apartheid South Africa, observed that country's constitutional convention on behalf of the Commonwealth, and tried to broker peace in Liberia on behalf of the Organisation of African Unity.
ECONOMIST: Canaan Banana