...市猎人 张系国 王文兴 缝熊志 西西 千载难逢竟逢 林文月 归 人编 杨 牧 余光中 余光中 余光中 洪荒年代(The Years of the Flood) 尚- 克里 盲眼刺客(新版) 柯慈J.M 玛丽罗森M 恶魔来袭:阿特米斯奇幻 险 历 5 欧珀的诡计:阿特米斯奇幻 险 历 4 北极圈的挑战:...
Almost four years after the storm, a quarter of the population has never returned. A third of homes still lie empty, many decked with tarpaulins and with the flood-line still visible.
Dr Ronald, of the University of California, Davis, has been working for the last 15 years to isolate the gene for flood tolerance in rice.
This flood of extra resources, plus an enhanced oversight role the G20 has given to the fund, will be a huge turnaround for an institution whose relevance had slumped in the boom years.
这一大批额外的资源,加上G 20峰会给予IMF的得到强化的监管角色,对于这个其存在意义在繁荣年代直线下滑的机构来说将是一次重大的转变。