... The Yellow River Basin 黄河流域 The Yellow River Estuary 黄河河口 The Yellow River Delta 黄河三角洲 ...
To conduct study on sediment critical erosion stress in the Yellow River Delta, study work is done sponsored by the project of National Nature Science Foundation Project“Study on Consolidated Sediment Re-suspension and Transportation in the Yellow River Estuary”(Project Number, 40876042).
参考来源 - 黄河三角洲岸滩沉积物临界侵蚀剪应力研究In the late 1980s, the sediment yields diffused to the Gudong sea area decrease drastically with the Yellow River estuary extending to the east, which make the sea area become a serious eroded area.
参考来源 - 黄河口流路改变对三角洲演变影响的数值研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The variation of the sink of the Yellow river estuary is the outcome of combined action of erosion and deposition mechanisms of the river estuary.
The paper analyzes and calculates the sediment coming from the sea by utilizing the observed hydrological and tidal data of the Yellow River estuary.
The outcomes show that a) the general trend of shoreline evolution of the Yellow River estuary deposits and expands towards the sea area continuously;