「荒谬剧场(Theatre of the Absurd)是二十世纪前卫戏剧的一支,可是它并不像其他的 许多的派别一样成为流行于一时的剧场运动,而是在事后由剧评家将某些作品贴上这...
...荒诞派;《动物园的故事》;《谁害怕弗吉尼亚•沃尔夫?》;人文关怀 [gap=1553]Key Words: Edward Albee; Theatre of the Absurd; The Zoo Story; Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Theatre Of The Absurd CE 荒谬剧院 ; 朱霜之谜 ; 荒谬剧场朱霜之谜
The Theatre of the Absurd 荒诞剧场 ; 荒诞派戏剧 ; 荒谬剧场
the theatre of Absurd 荒诞派戏剧
以上来源于: WordNet
N drama in which normal conventions and dramatic structure are ignored or modified in order to present life as irrational or meaningless 荒诞剧
"Waiting for Godot" has been regarded as a masterpiece of "Theatre of the Absurd".
The absurdity of theatre of the absurd results, in part, from the radical ways of symbolization.
The Theatre of the Absurd, which was born in France in 1950s, toppled over the conception of traditional plays.