... The meaning of what happiness 幸运的真正含义 Then the new life 那么新的生活 Will begin 就将起首 ...
If you think life is wonderful and expect it to stay that way, then you may have a good chance of living to a ripe old age, at least that is what the findings of a new study suggest.
Then at the age of 31, I started a new life with basic studies in mathematics at the University of Toulouse, France.
31岁那年,我开始了在法国图卢兹大学学习数学的新生活,在这之后我完成了我的博士论文,是关于 参数化
Ironically, while "O.K." didn't save Van Buren's campaign, the campaign gave "O.K." a new lease on life -- until then, it had never been as popular as a competing phrase, "O.W." (for "oll wright").
具讽刺意味的是,"O.K."虽然没能救得了Van Buren的竞选,但竞选却给了“O.K."新的活力——在那之前,它一直没能作为一个完成的词,比如像“O.W."(表示"oll wright"),那样流行起来。 (顺便说句,在我们开始觉得比19世纪的老土们牛B太多之前,"oll wright"真的就比几年前流行过的什么"excuuuse me!"