摘 要: 茶碱(Theophylline)是临床上治疗慢性呼吸道疾病的常用药物之一,迄今为止已知茶碱类药物及其衍生物有三百余种,目前上市的品种有氨茶碱、二羟丙茶碱...
: 药品中文名:二氧二甲基嘌呤 药品英文名:Theophylline 制药厂: 主治效果:治疗上呼吸道感染。 药物成分:8-苄基茶碱。 药理作用本药品对呼吸道平滑肌有直接松弛作用。其作用机理比较复杂,过去认为通过抑制磷酸二酯酶,
品介绍 中文名称:羟丙茶碱 英文名称:7-(B-hydroxypropyl)theophylline CAS号:603-00-9 中文别名:7-(2-羟基丙基)-1,3-二甲基-3,7-二氢-1H-嘌呤-2,6-二酮 英文别名:7-(2-hydroxypropy
Theophylline Anhydrous 无水茶碱 ; 水合茶叶碱
Theophylline Sodium Glycinate 甘氨茶碱钠 ; 茶碱甘氨酸钠 ; 甘氨酸茶碱钠
dihydroxypropyl theophylline 二羟丙茶碱 ; 喘定
Theophylline monohydrate 一水茶碱 ; 茶碱一水合物
Theobromine, caffeine and theophylline adsorbed on filter paper can emit strong room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) signal in the presence of heavy atom perturber, the RTP signal was used for the determination of these compounds. The method is based on using quantitative fast speed paper as a substrate and KI NaAc as heavy atom perturber.
以快速定量滤纸为基质 ,用KI NaAc为重原子微扰剂 ,建立了测定痕量可可碱、咖啡因、茶碱的滤纸基质室温磷光 (PS RTP)分析法。
参考来源 - 可可碱、咖啡因、茶碱的滤纸基质室温磷光测定·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: Elixophyllin Slo-Bid Theobid
以上来源于: WordNet
N a white crystalline slightly water-soluble alkaloid that is an isomer of theobromine: it occurs in plants, such as tea, and is used to treat asthma. Formula: C7H8N4O2 茶碱
Theophylline, a close structural relative of caffeine and the major stimulant in tea, was one of the most effective compounds in both regards.
Objective To synthesis Calcium Theophylline.
The experts, Yunwu Cha-rich theophylline, tea tannins, vitamins.