她越是对毕加索情浓意重,就越是相信自己就是那希腊神话中的阿里阿德涅公主 (Ariadne),能把被米诺托所困的特修斯(Theseus)指引出迷宫。她是否能帮助毕加索杀死自己身上那只怪兽米诺托?
事情是伊克西翁有一个儿子,他是闻名于世的英雄叫庇里托俄斯(Pirithous),他与雅典国王铁修斯(Theseus)是至交好友,庇里托俄斯与拉庇泰族的公主希波达弥亚( Hippodamia
Ship of Theseus 忒修斯之船 ; 提修斯的船 ; 忒修斯的船 ; 希修斯之船
The Ship of Theseus 忒修斯之船 ; 忒修斯号 ; 特修斯之舟
Theseus return of the hero 孤单枪手之英雄回归 ; 英雄回归 ; 汉回归 ; 枪手之俊杰回归
Theseus and the Minotaur 忒修斯和牛头怪 ; 特修斯与牛头人 ; 提修斯与米陶诺斯 ; 帕休斯与半人马
At the Court of Theseus 铁修斯的法则
Theseus Chan 而新加坡设计师陈益
Ship of Theseus paradox 忒修斯之船
Morpho theseus 花冠闪蝶
以上来源于: WordNet
N a hero of Attica, noted for his many great deeds, among them the slaying of the Minotaur, the conquest of the Amazons, whose queen he married, and participation in the Calydonian hunt 忒修斯; 阿提卡英雄,有很多著名事迹,如杀死牛头人身怪物,征服阿玛宗女战士并娶其女王为妻,参与卡吕冬狩猎 [Greek myth]
Theseus left a line of string behind him when he entered the maze.
How did Theseus get out of the maze after he killed the monster?
Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, could not stand this situation, and decided to go as the seventh boy and kill the Minotaur.
Ellen Page is Ariadne. In Greek mythology, Ariadne was the princess who helped guide Theseus out of the Minotaur's deadly labyrinth.
VOA: standard.2010.07.20
And here, Machiavelli gives a list of those heroic founders of peoples and states Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and so on.