鬼甲由(they crawl),◎ IMDB评分:8,这是弗恩想那电子操纵器作出拼死一挣,我们的2007年12月 = Mayan历的2012年12月,展现出一幅幅画面。
They crawl through the slug in search of infectious bacteria.
Most bots are really dumb, they crawl the web and put their spam into every form's field they can find.
On the defensive, they dig themselves dugouts protected by palm trunks, and then they crawl in and resist until some explosive or a human terrier kills them.
One of the first steps in that healing is that fibroblasts like this cell crawl into the space that's created by the wound and they grab a hold of both sides of the wound and contract and try to pull it together.
愈合的第一步是,成纤维细胞向,损伤的创口爬行,紧紧地抓住创口的两侧,通过收缩回拉 试着使创口合拢