I’m running out of melodies/我的曲子再无法控制 they used to be enough./原本过去我足够去控制 I can’t write it, I just,/我只是无法写出曲子 ..
... 曾经泉涌的灵感|Im running out of melodies 顿时荡然无存|They used to be enough. 我无法继续,我只是|I cant write it, I just, ...
我用尽了所有的旋律|I'm running out of melodies 却找不回当时的感觉|They used to be enough. 我无法继续,我只是|I can't write it, I just, ..
They know enough to know that the country in which they grew up is changing, and they'll do whatever they can to reverse those changes and return the cultural landscape to what it used to be.
Soyuz capsules are used to ferry crew to and from the orbiting platform, and enough vehicles are always present so that they can be used as "lifeboats" if an emergency arises.
But a powerful beam of subatomic particles could be used to crush nuclei together strongly enough so they fuse.