...1)高斯函数(Gaussian): ore一酽,仅>O,D>O (2)Multiquadrie函数:护虿,13>0 (3)薄板样条函数(Thin Plate Spline):,.2log r 对于不同的径向函数,对低次多项式与正交条件的要求都不一样。
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thin-plate spline 薄板样条
thin plate spline method 薄板样条法
thin-plate spline models TPS模板
thin plate spline function 样条函数
Thin-plate Spline interpolation 薄板样条插值
In order to improve the stability of feature matching and accuracy for 3D viewpoint modeling, PCA-SIFT and TPS (thin plate spline) are adopted in this scheme.
参考来源 - 基于分布式多视点视频编码的边信息生成·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Elastic registration based on thin plate spline interpolation is deeply studied.
Previous work has concentrated on selecting the corresponding landmarks manually and then using thin plate spline interpolating to gain the elastic transformation.
Another method is thin plate spline elastic approximation, which takes the overall smoothness of the whole image into account, hence it is better when errors of feature points exist.