疏果海桐 Pittosporum illicioides 疏果剂 thinning agent ; fruit thinning agent ; fruitthinningchemical ; chemical fruit thinner 疏果批发 Food - Produce Wholesale ; Produce Whol...
关信息 中文名称 疏水剂 英文名称 Thinning Agent 别名 CAS No. -- 分子式 分子量 疏水剂 嘉美乐 疏水剂 的求购商 (0) 网站首页 | 关于世易 | 世易通 | 基于3个网页 - 相关网页
The fruit thinning effect of fruit thinning agent- PD3 with kinetics of blossoms removed and fruit drop was investigated on 'Yali' pear trees.
Thinning agent and cleaning of tools: water. Remove excess paint from tools and clean them with water or with tool cleaner immediately after use.
The most troubling of the short-lived HFCs were invented to replace chlorofluorocarbons, refrigerants that were thinning the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and were also a major warming agent.