这句看不懂 » This can not read 前向区域划分为面积相等的四个子区域 » Area of the former equal to the area is divided into four sub-regions ..
...但学习勤奋而且各科成绩优秀 » He will not only learn the hard work and outstanding results 这都看不懂 » This can not read ..
Can not read this sentence 这句看不懂哈
Read this story, and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.
Without this, reviewers and inspectors can easily become aggravated, feeling "Why must I read this?" and begin identifying issues that are not essential or even attack the author personally.
如果没有该步骤,检查员的负担可能过重并抱怨 “我为什么要阅读这里?” ,甚至开始开起小差来或把气撒到软件作者身上。
I'm not going to read all of this; you can talk to your section leaders, email them, talk to me, and email me if you have questions about this.
But this question is not about whether people can read, but whether or not they do read.
VOA: special.2009.03.27
So, France has this provisional government-- you can read about this stuff, it's not that interesting; well, it's passionately interesting.
You can read the details of this, which are not fascinating, but we'll get through this and move onto more interesting things.