... 肥胖的高昂代价 High price of obesity 这一高昂代价 this high price 以高昂代价 give one's right arm ...
Donkey » 想让你知道,谈恋爱,谁是先生,驴 this high price » 这样高的价格 Facility Policies and Procedures » 设施的政策和程序 ..
... bombed a test » 轰炸了一个测试 this high price » 这种高价 It is what everyone is longing for. » 这是大家都渴望。 ...
This price is too high 这个价钱太高了
And it is this high price that has led to the spread of shark finning.
We cannot pass you an order at this high price, because the raw materials have for some time past been declining in price and we see no justification for the increase of your quotation.
While the author thinks that the price of saving species is too high, I assure you that this noble cause is priceless.
Well, one thing that goes wrong is that suppose Coke and Pepsi were able to either to write a contract or whatever to sustain joint monopoly output at this high price, this price which is actually producing positive profits in the industry it is going to turn out, therefore the price is going to be above costs.
And we pay a very high price for this inability, for this refusal to accept the fact that it is part of human nature that is constrained, that is there no matter what.
And notice that if Pepsi has priced above the monopoly price, suppose Pepsi has priced this good so high that it's above the monopoly price, then, as the gentleman said, I can capture the whole market by pricing just below Pepsi.