...:它是最古老、最传统的舞台,也是一种封闭舞台,其特点是将观众区与表演完全分隔,观众只能透过镜框似的台口,观看舞台上的演出。 伸展式舞台 (Thrust Stage)(上图,红圈代表演员):主舞台向前突出,伸向观众席,舞台的三面向观众暴露,减少观众与演员之间的距离感。
full-thrust stage 全推力阶段
reduced-thrust stage 减推力阶段
stage thrust 级推力
thrust chamber second-stage 火箭发动机推力室烧毁
以上来源于: WordNet
In the meantime, however, the abstract issues he raised in Oslo and Cairo have thrust themselves to centre-stage.
Of the three central banks thrust centre-stage in handling the crisis—those in America, Britain and the euro area—the Bank of England might have been expected to rise most to the occasion.
After the first stage burns out it falls back to earth along a parabolic path while the engines of the second stage fire to thrust the rocket into an earth orbit.