... heat lightning 闪电 thunder-and-lightning 鲜艳夺目的 at lightning speed 闪电似地(风弛电掣地...
thunder and lightning 雷击及闪电 ; [气象] 雷电 ; 雷鸣电闪波尔卡 ; 霹雳火
thunder and lightning polka 电闪雷鸣波尔卡 ; 电闪雷叫波尔卡 ; 电闪雷鸣不尔卡 ; 演出曲目以现场为准
continuous thunder and lightning 连续雷电 ; 连续雷雨
Rainstorms Thunder and Lightning 暴风雨和雷电
brontographrecord of thunder and lightning 雷电计图
record of thunder and lightning 雷电计图
Thunder and Lightning Op 雷电波尔卡
以上来源于: WordNet
There was thunder and lightning, and torrential rain.
Pinocchio was greatly afraid of thunder and lightning, but the hunger he felt was far greater than his fear.
Police and the villagers all unanimously ascribed the forest fire to thunder and lightning.