TIFF Tag Image File format 标签式图像文件格式
TIFF Tagged Image File Format 标签图像文件格式
image format TIFF 图像格式
TIFF Taggen Image File Format 标记位图文件格式
The following instruction asks Tesseract to examine Figure 1 stored in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) format and then use the second argument, wm, as the base of a file name to receive output.
如下的指令会让 Tesseract 检查存储为 Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) 格式的 图 1,然后使用第二个参数 wm 作为文件名的基础来接收输出。
TIFF (Tag image File format) is a raster image format that was originally produced by Adobe.
TIFF(标记图像文件格式(Tag Image File Format))是一种最初由adobe提出的光栅图像格式。
Tagged image file format (.tiff) is another commonly used raster-based image format, which GIS specialists adapted to geographers' needs and renamed GeoTIFF.
带标记的图像文件格式 (.tiff) 是另一种常用的基于栅格的图像格式,GIS 专家为适应地理学者的需要将其重命名为 GeoTIFF。