《擎天柱》的故事发生在《直到万众一心》(Till All As One,以下简称TAAO)的5到8话之后,即在消灭惊破天之后,而整篇剧情(到目前为止)则和《直到万众一心》相穿插。
Obviously, you can have as many images/exposures as you like and continue this process till you have dragged all your exposures onto the one image.
Till at last there was only one small fsh left in all the sea, and he was a small 'Stute Fish, and he swam a little behind the Whale's right ear, so as to be out of harm's way.
哎呀呀! 最后,茫茫的大海里只剩下一条小鱼了,那就是小鬼头鱼。 他跟在鲸鱼的右耳后游动,这样可以不受伤害。