...n speed) 0.1~240/s 垂直手动控制速度(Manual tile speed) 0.1~60/s 水平角度(Pan range) 360continuously 垂直角度(Tilt speed) +50~-60 预置点(Preset positions) 128(Max) 控制方式(Communicarion) Multi-protocol,12处隐私遮挡 0.1精确的时时角度显示, ...
Preset tilt speed 垂直预置位速度
forward tilt speed 向前倾斜速度
Tilt eddy Speed 俯仰旋转速度
Tilt control speed 垂直手动控制速度
Tilt preset speed 垂直调预置位
tilt cylinder speed test 倾斜油缸速度测试
Optimum Speed Tilt-Rotor 最佳速度倾转旋翼机
Tilt turn speed 垂直变速
tilt scanning speed 俯仰角扫描速度
What this research asks, though, is how does a smile's speed in combination with head-tilt and gender affect its perception.
It will, however, travel between the two cities at less than full tilt, at an average speed of 350 km per hour.
This paper discusses different design methods of high speed air-driven turbine with nozzles placing in tilt or flat on its side.