time domain theory 时域理论
3D time domain theory 三维时域理论
finite difference time domain theory 有限时域差分理论
3D theory in time domain 三维时城理论
Since the time-domain theory requires more memory and computation, an efficient B spline based boundary element method is developed firstly.
参考来源 - 非线性波浪与任意三维物体的相互作用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The theory of time-domain lapped transform and its application in image and video compression are considered in this paper.
Then, the code theory and time-domain iterative decode algorithm of RS code is introduced, RS coder and decoder are designed and implemented in this base.
接着介绍了R S码的编码原理和时域迭代译码算法,在此基础上设计实现RS码编码器和译码器。
The relation of space enviroment with earthquake in certain domain of space-time is researched by the information theory.